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Electronic Press Kit - Jack Greer

   Jack Greer has been delighting audiences in the music scene for just about 50 years, bringing his emotional, lyrical, and rugged sound to life through his ebullient performance style. Born in Kodiak, Alaska, but raised in the American South, Jack holds a warmth and welcome with his sultry voice and bluesy melodies. Developing a love for singing in high school, he has cultivated his rustic musical sound with a conglomerate of local musicians from Greenville, South Carolina.

   Touring the country since the earliest years of his career, Jack Greer was a part of several groups, including: “Greer, Rodgers, and Gordon”, “Medicine Wheel”, “Greer and Fackler”, and “The River City All-Stars”. His career lead him to Omaha, Nebraska, where he worked as a solo performer at the infamous Steak and Ale, paving his career through networking with talented musicians, creating lifelong friendships, and founding the very successful “All-Stars”. It was in Omaha where Jack met his wife and muse, Julie Hamsa. The couple eventually returned to Greenville, South Carolina where they raised their three children Trinity, Katie, and Tommy.

   Jack Greer describes his love of music as almost compulsory, something he tries to let go but can’t seem to live without. This destined commitment was likely what landed him in the Nebraska Performing Arts Hall of Fame alongside “The River City All-Stars” in 2020. The following year he was again honored as an inductee into the Nebraska Music Hall of Fame as a member of “The River City All-Stars”.

   Currently, Jack is anchored in Greenville, South Carolina where he pursues his music career full-time as a solo act and member of “Two Greer Boys” with his youngest son, Tommy. 

   Through his emotionally transparent performance style and captivating storytelling, Jack Greer has cultivated a hearty sound which allows for a diverse musical range of rock, folk, country, and blues.

   Jack and Two Greer Boys are currently booking live shows. You can contact him through the form or email addresses below. Further samples of their music can be heard at these links and also on the video and music pages of







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